Advanced Installation

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Users can quickly deploy KDP on an existing Kubernetes cluster using the CLI.

Resource planning

  • Required: Existing Kubernetes cluster >=1.26 (public cloud or on-premise), the recommended configuration is:
    • Control plane: 8vCPUs 16GB RAM * 3 (control-plane HA)
    • Work node: 8vCPUs 16GB RAM >= 4, if K8s persistent volumes use node local disks, disks can be mounted to /var/lib/openebs directory (/var/lib/openebs is the default storage volume directory of KDP)
  • Optional: Existing public domain resolution and TLS certificate for KDP service exposure and external access (if no public domain resolution and TLS certificate are available, please refer to the "Domain resolution" section in Quick Start configuring domain resolution on both the access side and K8s cluster [CoreDNS] ( side)


  • The kubeconfig with cluster-role priviledge is ready at $HOME/.kube/config on the machine to install KDP infrastructure
  • KDP CLI is ready on the machine to install KDP infrastructure(select one of the following installation methods)
    • Binary installation from Release Page
    • Source code installation (requires Go 1.21+ installed locally): clone the project to the local, then run go install at project root

Install KDP infrastructure layer

Install with the default configuration

Single-command install by KDP CLI:

# > specify "--debug" to enable debug logging
kdp install

Supported runtime parameters

Runtime parameters are supported via "--set k1=v1 --set k2=v2 ..." when install or upgrade. All supported runtime parameters are as follows (all are optional parameters) :

Parameters Description Default Value Support Update or not Notes
namespace The namespace in which the KDP infrastructure layer services are installed kdp-system N A force update after installation will cause services to be redeployed to the new namespace and volumes to be reclaimed, resulting in data loss
imagePullSecret Image pulling secret name cr-secret Y
storageConfig.storageClassMapping.localDisk The name of the storage class to use for the KDP volume claiming openebs N - If you need to use an existing storage class (such as the cloud disk CSI provided by the public cloud K8s products, etc.), you can specify this parameter during installation
- A force update will cause the storage volume to be re-claimed, resulting in data loss
kong.enabled Whether to install Kong Ingress true Y If you want to use an existing Ingress Controller on the K8s cluster, set it to 'false', also set the 'ingress.class' as existing IngressClass name
kong.replicas Kong Ingress replicas 4 Y
ingress.class IngressClass used by KDP Ingress kong Y
ingress.domain The root domain used by KDP Ingress Y This parameter can be set if a custom domain name is used
ingress.tlsSecretName TLS secret used by the KDP Ingress "" Y This parameter can be set if a custom domain name and TLS are used
prometheusCRD.enabled Whether to install Prometheus Operator CRD true Y You may turn this off if you want to use existing kube-prometheus-stack on K8s cluster
prometheus.enabled Whether to install Prometheus Operator/Prometheus/Alertmanager/Grafana true Y You may turn this off if you want to use existing kube-prometheus-stack on K8s cluster
prometheus.externalUrl The Prometheus service address used by the KDP observability feature "" Y Set only when using external Prometheus service
loki.enabled Whether to install Loki true Y You may turn this off if you want to use existing Loki service on K8s cluster
loki.externalUrl The Loki service address used by the KDP observability feature "" Y Set only when using external Loki service
grafana.externalUrl The Grafana service address used by the KDP observability feature "" Y Set only when using external Grafana service
mysqlArch The architecture used by KDP built-in MySQL standalone N - can be specified as replication if using primary-secondary replication mode
- A force update will cause MySQL volumes to be reclaimed resulting in data loss
mysqlDiskSize The storage size claimed by KDP built-in MySQL 10Gi N Force updates will not take effect after installation, as K8s StatefulSets workloads do not support dynamic update of storage volume size
xtrabackup.enabled Whether to install MySQL XtraBackup false Y Backup data by enabling XtraBackup container on MySQL Pod
xtrabackup.diskSize Backup storage volume size for MySQL XtraBackup 10Gi N Force updates will not take effect after installation, as K8s StatefulSets workloads do not support dynamic update of storage volume size
systemMysql.debug Whether to enable debug logging for KDP built-in MySQL false Y MySQL service address used by the KDP infrastructure services mysql Y - Do not set if using KDP built-in MySQL
- Set only when using external MySQL service
systemMysql.port MySQL service port used by the KDP infrastructure services 3306 Y - Do not set if using KDP built-in MySQL
- Set only when using external MySQL service
systemMysql.users.root.user root user name of KDP built-in MySQL root N - Effective only when using KDP built-in MySQL
- A force update after installation will cause KDP built-in MySQL workloads to operate abnormally
systemMysql.users.root.password root user password of KDP built-in MySQL(base64 encoded) a2RwUm9vdDEyMyo= N - Effective only when using KDP built-in MySQL
- A force update after installation will cause KDP built-in MySQL workloads to operate abnormally
systemMysql.users.kdpAdmin.user MySQL user name used by the KDP infrastructure services kdpAdmin Y - If using KDP built-in MySQL, the user will be automatically created
- If using external MySQL, specify the corresponding user name
systemMysql.users.kdpAdmin.password MySQL user password used by the KDP infrastructure services(base64 encoded) a2RwQWRtaW4xMjMq Y - If using KDP built-in MySQL, the user password will be automatically set
- If using external MySQL, specify the corresponding user password The DNS service name used by KDP logging gateway for service discovery coredns Y Used in conjunction with the dnsService.namespace parameter, only specified if the DNS service of the K8s cluster does not use CoreDNS
dnsService.namespace The DNS service namespace used by KDP logging gateway for service discovery kube-system Y

Visit KDP UX

After the installation is complete, you can access the KDP UX in either of the following situations(if specified "--set ingress.tlsSecretName=<YOUR_TLS_SECERT>" previously, use HTTPS protocol):

Upgrade KDP infrastructure layer

Single-command upgrade by KDP CLI:

# > specify "--debug" to enable debug logging
# > specify "--src-upgrade" to upgrade the latest KDP infrastructure manifests
# > specify "--vela-upgrade" to upgrade KDP Vela service
# > specify "--set k1=v1 --set k2=v2 ..." to upgrade runtime parameters of KDP infrastructure
kdp upgrade --set k1=v1 --set k2=v2 ...

Install KDP big data application layer

When the KDP infrastructure layer is installed, users can install KDP big data application layer components through the web interface by KDP UX.

KDP built-in application catalogs can be referred to:Catalog Overview